Summer Art Camps in Miami
Look no further! Your young artist will never get bored in here. Our art camps are full of creativity, fun and challenges. And yet they're class-based settings, so it'll be great art learning experience for your creative child. These settings are not group projects. Based on semi-private approach (one teacher is working with three or four students at the time), students are not grouped by age or levels. Under supervision and hands-on demonstrations of our artists-teachers, every student will be creating his/her individual artwork and will have a personalized attention.
Camps are for ages 7 and up.
To register, or for more detailed information about dates, times and tuition please go to our main site, right here:

Summer Art Camps Programs
During art camps children will experience the atmosphere of traditional, classical art academy environment. The realistic style drawing and painting is a main core of the experience. They will learn how to draw and paint 3-D objects, landscapes and still lifes, with emphasis on accurate observation and construction of shapes, proportions, tonal values and techniques in drawing and painting. On top of realistic style in painting, students will experiment other styles such as abstract, impressionism and expressionism, including development of imaginative and observational compositions.

Learning Traditional Drawing, Painting
and Composition at Sofia Art Academy of Miami in Kids Summer Art Camps
Learning how to draw and paint, and comprehend the creative side of development is necessary from an early age. Visual thinking, perseverance and accuracy are the necessary qualities for successful work of a creative person in any sphere, therefore it is better to inculcate good habits from childhood.
Our talented and experienced art teachers have prepared a unique curriculum, during which a clear understanding of basis of drawing and painting such as proportions, composition, rules of perspective, color balance, light, shade and reflection appears. Our art classes are not boring and rich in both theoretical and practical component. Moreover, based on our main art program, these art camps are pretty challenging. But with personalized attention, supervision and help from our teachers, art campers will be very happy! In each art lesson children master drawing and painting techniques, understanding rules of composition, become acquainted with materials, along with the habit for visual analyzes.
Students will be experiencing to draw and paint still lifes, three-dimensional objects of animals and birds, casts, landscapes and nature, or copy a famous artist artwork. These summer art camps in Miami are very important especially for talented and creative kids and teenagers, who will find all the answers to their straggles, as all young artists experiencing without help from professional art instructors.
So come over and start enjoying your progress! Create your beautiful art works while learning how to draw and paint from professional artists teachers during our Art Camps in Miami.

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